Expose your Job Listing to thousands of candidates
By posting your Job Listing with us, you are 3x more likely to find the right candidate.

Simple & efficient application management
As your qualified candidates roll in, we make it easy to screen them, allowing you to make the best hiring decisions for your business.

Search through our database of thousands of candidates
You can also use our Search officer feature to search through our database of thousands of candidates.
Our Services

Human Resource Centre
Our centralised place providing specific matching services for security jobs. Security officers can sign up for free to view specific job listings by agencies.

e-Learning Centre
Our e-Learning provides 24/7 convenient online learning modules and assessment for your security officers to help agencies fulfil part of the PLRD requirements.

Technology Enabling Platform
Our TEP is developed as an online meeting place to allow security equipment providers and agencies to collaborate to deliver their specific project requirements.

Security Specialists Centre
Our centre enables members to connect with specialists in niche security fields eg. (Security Consultants, Investigation, Bodyguards etc).

Security Resource Centre
Have a query or unsure of where to search for security-related materials? Our resource centre features useful links and a FAQ section to address your security-related questions.

Online Market Place
Our centralised online market place serves both businesses and consumers to source and purchase security equipment for their use. Equipment suppliers are welcome to post and feature their items for sale.